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The Travel Ten on YouTube


Sometimes nothing tells the stories we want to tell like moving pictures. We move quickly 'on the road' at times, so expect behind-the-scenes, unrehearsed one-take wonders and real reactions to the places, people and tastes we encounter on our way through the world, gathering travel info for you. And we're so rolling in video content (we're never without a gimbal in hand) that we've put together not one but two channels for your viewing pleasure. Please subscribe if you can – that's how we know you want more! 

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One minute in the world...
360º​ videos that put you right in the middle of it all

When our managing editor's beloved, but slightly beaten-up little 360-degree camera comes out of her equipment bag, that's how you know she REALLY loves a place. Come and sit for a minute in a sea-washed pirate's cave; in the cabin of the world's highest ferris wheel; at the top of a tower in Jakarta just as the sunset call to prayer rings out; or checking out the latest, greatest (or weirdest) hotel rooms. 

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The Travel Ten
Finding the stories behind the destinations

The most gorgeous places to stay; the islands, airports, unexpected cool bits and people we come across on our travels; the off-the-beaten-track destinations we can't wait to show you, but may need a little more explanation – this is what you'll find on our main story channel. With years' experience working on TV travel shows, we've got the chops to piece together a glimpse of the world beyond the written word. Just don't judge us on our shitty sound at times. We're working on it. *throws last microphone into the ocean* 

Summer Swim
About The Travel Ten

The Ten is the bastard lovechild of the listicle generation, with career travel writer, photo+videographer and Aussie content maven Jac Taylor at the helm and a host of crazy passionate travellers sharing their invaluable tips too.


The Ten is about spending your last dollar on a sale fare to Bangkok; sleeping rough just to see the stars, then luxuriating in five of them the very night after. It's travelling smart with a smart mouth, keeping your wits and your wittiness about you, but giving love and respect to this incredible planet, its fauna and its folk. 

More than anything, the Ten is a two-way street. We're all about the conversation – check out our socials, our workshops, our upcoming trips and specialty tours, and connect with us any way you like. If you'd like to become a contributor,
drop us a line, show us your chops, and let's talk. 

Sunset Photographer
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